Posts Tagged ‘new job’

Blogging is an important part of every online medium today. A site without a blog is like a site selling something with no pay now button. If you want your site to reach its maximum potential then blogging is essential. It is essential for news sites, a site selling something, or even the average person sitting at home right now thinking of going to look for a new job.

The point of blogging is to develop a  following of people who like the topics that you write about or find the information on your site useful.  Blogging for news sites makes it easier for it’s reporters to cover a topic in depth that they never could before due to space constraints. It also gives the writers at the site the chance to get a specific readership and will in turn drive traffic back to the news site. It creates credibility for the writers if it is well done and it also lets the followers of the blog know that you are constantly covering your topic like a journalist should do.

Sites that are selling a product or service also need to place an importance on blogging. When the site blogs about concerns with their product or service or keeps the customers up to date on what is going on in the industry it helps them make the choice to choose you over the competition.  The customer knows you are well informed and have the ability to provide the best product or service to them possible. Also, on a side note, blogging will help with your sites rank and increase SEO. The more viewers the more sales!

I know people are sitting at home right now wondering why do I need a blog. How will it help me in the future? The answer is simple, by creating a blog and posting your work on it, you get yourself out there. You have a digital copy of your hard work. You are branding yourself. It shows that you as the blogger are technically inclined and are motivated to make an online portfolio of your work. The more places you are the more potential employers you reach.